Saturday, 12 September 2020



A vital part of the behind the scenes process on any film, large or small in scale, production call sheets are the ultimate guide for cast and crew to a filming day and its requirements, of which Revenge of the Jedi's filming, back in 1982, was no exception.

Thursday, 16 April 2020


The return of our Classic Trilogy heroes with each sequel was always welcome, but so too was the promise of new heroes, villains and aliens in the story alongside them. With Revenge of the Jedi, the film would be packed with all-new creatures in particular, but one of the most important would be rebel leader Admiral Ackbar, given some worthy special advance coverage in 1982 by The Official Star Wars Fan Club's all-important Bantha Tracks newsletter, but with a planet of origin that would change by the film's publicity/merchandise release of 1983.